Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 15
Jumlah Soal Uraian : -
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. my mother is teacher
the indonesian language is ...
a. ibuku ialah guru
b. nenekku ialah guru
c. kakakku ialah guru
2. aunt in indonesian language is ...
a. paman
b. keponakan
c. bibi
3. saudara pria in english is ...
a. sister
b. brother
c. grandfather
4. living room in indonesian language is ...
a. ruang belajar
b. kamar mandi
c. ruang keluarga
the english sentences is ...
a. this is kitchen
b. this is bedroom
c. this is living room
Jika ingin melihat soalnya dahulu secara lengkap ini linknya :
Sedangkan berikut Link Downloadnya :
2. Download Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 (Dua) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 15
Jumlah Soal Uraian : -
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. Son in Indonesian is ...
a. Ayah
b. Anak perempuan
c. Anak laki-laki
2. Bu Siska ialah ibu saya
The English sentence is ...
a. Mrs. Siska is my mother
b. Mrs. Siska is my father
c. Mrs. Siska is my sister
a. Daughter
b. Family
c. Brother
4. Mr. Bagas has son. His name is Bayu.
Mr. Bagas is Bayu’s ....
a. Brother
b. Mother
c. Father
The correct order is ....
a. Sister Nadine is my
b. Nadine is my sister
c. Nadine my sister is
Jika ingin melihat soalnya dahulu secara lengkap ini linknya :
Sedangkan berikut Link Downloadnya :
3. Download Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 (Tiga) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 10
Jumlah Soal Uraian : 5
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. Grandmother in Indonesian is ....
a. Ibu
b. Tante
c. Nenek
d. Kakak perempuan
2. Mr. Budi has a son. His name is Muhammad Laksana
A : “Who Mr. Budi for Muhammad Laksana?”
B : “Mr. Budi is Muhammad Laksana’s ....”
a. Mother
b. Brother
c. Father
d. Sister
a. Elder sister
b. Little sister
c. Little brother
d. Elder brother
4. Bu Ayu ialah bibiku
The english sentence is ....
a. Mrs. Ayu is my uncle
b. Mrs. Ayu is my aunt
c. Mrs. Ayu is my grandmother
d. Mrs. Ayu is my nephew
The Indonesian sentence is ....
a. Sinta ialah ibuku
b. Sinta ialah bibiku
c. Sinta ialah abang perempuanku
d. Sinta ialah adik perempuanku
Jika ingin melihat soalnya dahulu secara lengkap ini linknya :
Sedangkan berikut Link Downloadnya :
4. Download Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 (Empat) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 10
Jumlah Soal Uraian : 5
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. This month is March, next month will be ....
a. April
b. May
c. August
d. January
2. Dina : “Where we can find the plate and spoon?”
Sintia : “ We can find its in the ......”
a. Bathroom
b. Bedroom
c. Living room
d. Kitchen

It is a knife, it is for ....
a. Write on the book
b. Cutting the vegetables
c. Cutting the wood
d. Watering the plant
4. My mother fries chicken using a ....
a. Plate
b. Frying pan
c. Mirror
d. Bowl

We can find a ...... in the bathroom
a. Toothpaste
b. Toothbrush
c. Sponge
d. Soap
Sedangkan berikut Link Downloadnya :
5. Download Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 (Lima) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 10
Jumlah Soal Uraian : 5
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. Yesterday is friday
The Indonesian sentence is ....
a. Kemarin ialah jum’at
b. Kemarin ialah minggu
c. Besok ialah sabtu
d. Hari ialah senin
2. January is the first of ....
a. Day
b. Time
c. Month
d. Clock
3. Next month will be May. Last month was March. This month is ....
a. June
b. December
c. April
d. January
4. are – there – twelve – months
The correct order is ....
a. There are twelve months
b. There twelve months are
c. Are twelve there months
d. Are twelve months there
5. Today is friday. Tomorrow will be ....
a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Saturday
d. Thursday
Jika ingin melihat soalnya dahulu secara lengkap ini linknya :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 10
Jumlah Soal Uraian : 5
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. Yesterday is friday
The Indonesian sentence is ....
a. Kemarin ialah jum’at
b. Kemarin ialah minggu
c. Besok ialah sabtu
d. Hari ialah senin
a. Day
b. Time
c. Month
d. Clock
3. Next month will be May. Last month was March. This month is ....
a. June
b. December
c. April
d. January
The correct order is ....
a. There are twelve months
b. There twelve months are
c. Are twelve there months
d. Are twelve months there
5. Today is friday. Tomorrow will be ....
a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Saturday
d. Thursday
6. Download Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 (Enam) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 10
Jumlah Soal Uraian : 5
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :

Rudi : “Is it drizzle today?”
Bayu : “No, it is not.”
Rudi : “How is the weather today?”
Bayu : “.....”
a. It is stormy
b. Is is snow
c. It is sunny
d. It is foggy
2. Rainy season in Indonesian is ....
a. Musim panas
b. Musim kemarau
c. Musim semi
d. Musim hujan
3. The weather is hot because it is in ....
a. Summer
b. Autumn
c. Dry
d. Winter
4. Apakah pagi ini berkabut?
The English sentence is ....
a. Is this morning foggy?
b. Is this morning cloudy?
c. Is this morning hot?
d. Is this morning stormy?
5. Has – Indonesia – season – two
The correct order is ....
a. Indonesia has season two
b. Indonesia has two season
c. Indonesia two has season
d. Indonesia season has two
Jika ingin melihat soalnya dahulu secara lengkap ini linknya :
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 10
Jumlah Soal Uraian : 5
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :

Rudi : “Is it drizzle today?”
Bayu : “No, it is not.”
Rudi : “How is the weather today?”
Bayu : “.....”
a. It is stormy
b. Is is snow
c. It is sunny
d. It is foggy
2. Rainy season in Indonesian is ....
a. Musim panas
b. Musim kemarau
c. Musim semi
d. Musim hujan
a. Summer
b. Autumn
c. Dry
d. Winter
4. Apakah pagi ini berkabut?
The English sentence is ....
a. Is this morning foggy?
b. Is this morning cloudy?
c. Is this morning hot?
d. Is this morning stormy?
5. Has – Indonesia – season – two
The correct order is ....
a. Indonesia has season two
b. Indonesia has two season
c. Indonesia two has season
d. Indonesia season has two
Jika ingin melihat soalnya dahulu secara lengkap ini linknya :
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